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I remember being young, outside exploring the world I was always intrigued by nature itself.  It brought me delight to my life with some magic. I would spend hours outside searching with my hands in the dirt feeling the energy from the ground searching for that perfect stone. I saw beauty inside each one. I would collect them, play with them and carry them in my pockets. They always gave me that magic sparkle inside.


I never lost my attraction to stones. As I grew up it continued to grow. As I continued to walk through life I was excited every time I would be on vacation and saw a shop the light would catch each crystal in my eyes and in my heart.  I was drawn to the dynamic duo citrine and black obsidian. I would go inside the shop and come out with perfectly polished stones, excited to imagine each one of their adventure stories. So much creativity and light was brought into my life as I added more and more to my collection. In my adulthood my pull to them and the inspiration I gained from them only grew. I loved being surrounded by them. I love looking at their colors and unique dimensions. At this point in my life they just made me feel good. I didn't know at that point they held power, energy and healing properties. The more I learned about them my interest just grew more. I knew that I had to learn all about these precious stones and their story.


Citrine & Black Obsidian

As I learned about the power of crystals, I also began to learn more how they supported in and energized my life’s purpose and path. As a woman, I have always strongly believed in manifestation and the power of following your heart, dreams and aspirations. I have seen this power in action and believe that so much of my joy and personal successes come from this place.  I have also always had a strong conviction to protect myself and loved ones from pain, negativity and hurt. I’ve always been incredibly sensitive to other energies around me, highly intuitive to others feelings, emotions and energies and have found this draw to play a powerful role in my daily life as well.

Soon I learned that the two stones that I had always kept around me ever since I was a little girl carried these energies with them – black obsidian, which shields against negativity and stimulates the power of prophecy and citrine, my soul stone, is the master of manifestation, imagination and personal will. It’s like carrying the sun with you at all times — it is warm, it is comforting, it is energizing and life giving; always stirring the soul to action.

It was evident to me that these crystals carried so much power within them and that their presence in my life has continued to be a touchstone for energy, healing, comfort, and light. I now consider crystals to be a part of my personal self-care routine — I carry them in my purse, I keep them in my car and business.  I believe that these precious stones are a blessing to my life and enrich my personal journey — adding light, beauty and strength along the way.




Success and Career Crystal set

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